World War II Christmas Radio Shows
Providing comfort during a time of war to men and women in the armed forces, whether in harm's way or not, is not an easy task but that doesn't mean that the allied nations didn't try. Performers (like Bob Hope Christmas) gave up their family-time at Christmas to travel long distances and perform for the troops, sometimes in war zones. Others performed on radio in broadcasts that went out to the troops, working hard to let them know that they weren't forgotten and were very much appreciated.
There were radio shows like Command Performance specifically for the troops. There were other regular radio shows like Glenn Miller, before he enlisted and was lost over the English Channel, Jack Benny, Suspense, and many, many more that attempted to provide comfort and entertainment to the troops. World leaders like Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt used radio to address the nations and the troops. In a way, radio was the start of making the earth seem more like a community than a bunch of far away places.
Command Performance
This show took ideas and requests submitted by the troops and entertainers, who donated their time to this show, and turned them into reality. The request might be to hear a particular singer or song or something totally wacky like a musical version of Dick Tracy or Ann Miller hoofing it in Army boots. Accompanied by the Armed Forces Radio Service band, you will hear singers like Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dinah Shore or you might hear Jimmy Durante, Ginger Rogers, or Jack Benny.
"Miracle on 34th St"
compliments of Old Time Radio
Glenn Miller
The Glenn Miller Orchestra appeared three times weekly on a 15-minute show sponsored by Chesterfield cigarettes from 1938 or 1939 to 1942 when he enlisted in the Army. One of his more poignant shows aired just 17 days after Pearl Harbor on Christmas Eve 1941. It was still early in the war and people were frightened. Hearing Glenn Miller on the radio providing soothing music at this time must have been comforting.
"Miracle on 34th St"
compliments of Old Time Radio